2008 Junior Handling by Emily at Elite Havanese Canadian Puppy and Dog Breeders

  Junior Handling

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2013 Emily's Final Year in Junior handling   2013 Show Accomplishments
2014 Charlotte's First Year in Junior handling   2014 Show Accomplishments

2013 Junior Handling Judging Assignments

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2009 Juniors

2009 Junior Handling accomplishments.


February 2009, Best overall Cocker Specialty


February 2009, Best overall All Breeds


March 2009, Oceanside. Emily Best Overall Junior Handler


April 2009, Pug Nationals 1st


April 2009, Doberman Nationals 1st


April 2009, Renaissance Junior's 1st


This is MY dog, Reo. I have cared for her coat for 3 years now!


May - Tyee Show


June 2009
Comox Best Overall Handler


June 2009
Nanaimo Best Overall Handler


June 2009


June 2009
Merritt Best Overall Handler


Best overall handler in Flat Coat Specialty




July 2009
Best overall of All Terrier specialty


August 2009
Best Junior Handler


August 2009
Emily and her dog, Thumbelina


August 7th, 2009
Juniors First


August 8th, 2009
Juniors First


September, 2009
Mt Cheam Dalmation specialty, Emily 1st


Champion MistyTrails Dest'nd 2 Paradise

Sept 2009, Emily showed in three AKC Junior handling events, and achieved three 1st placements, and is now in Open AKC class


Champion MistyTrails Dest'nd 2 Paradise

October 2009, Emily got best overall over 78 contestants at Tradex



To listen to the music while you view this site - Click here for song 4

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This website designed by Emily Dorma at Misty Trails Havanese
Built and maintained by MSR Web Design at Meadow Springs Ranch