Favorite Links
Bev Dorma and MistyTrails Havanese:
show Havanese dogs and raise and sell Havanese
puppies. (she's my mom)
As you saw on my "Other Interests"
page, I like horses, too. Here's a link to Amie's web site where
you can see her, and her horses:
www.horseswithamie.com and you can find photos of
me and my little brother, Kayden, on horseback at her place
on her pictures page:
Amie lives at Maguire Farm where you can find
just about every kind of farm animal. The web site for
Maguire Farm is at:
For information on dogs in general - just about everything you want
to know about any, and all, breeds of dogs see:
My web master has a friend, Bruce, that has a Golden Retreiver.
He doesn't show the dog, though - the dog shows him...
where it's safe to walk, etc. His dog is a seeing eye
dog! You can read about Bruce and his dogs on my
Working, Herding, and
Sporting Dogs page.
Bruce's dogs have all come from
Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc. It costs many thousands
of dollars (approximately $40,000) to raise and train
a guide dog. This figure goes up to about $70,000 over
the dog's lifetime. So, if you can, they'd really appreciate
a donation. You can make a donation here:
Guide Dogs Donations. Make sure you tell them that your
donation is "in Memory of Arden". Canadian tax returns will accept
donations made in US funds!
Another working dog that can be found on my
Working, Herding, and
Sporting Dogs page is a Border Collie. My web master has two
at his ranch in the Cariboo - Meg and Bunch. Meg works already but
Bunch is just a puppy. You can see photos of them on the
Meadow Springs Ranch web site at:
For juniors that want to learn more about handling have a look at
the American Kennel Club web site here:
We have another dog besides our Hanavese dogs - she's a little
bigger than them - she's an English Mastiff named Sassy. Sassy is
expecting puppies in May, 2007. You can see Sassy at: